Sophia Cayer (USA)
Nancy Gnecco (USA)
Rue Hass (USA)
Lindsay Kenny (USA)
Carol Look (USA)
Jan Luther (USA)
Loretta Sparks (USA)
Mary Stafford (USA)
Sue Beer (UK)
Jaqui Crooks (UK)
Karl Dawson (UK)
Mair Llewellyn (UK)
Tam Llewellyn (UK)
Paul Lynch (UK)
Gwyneth Moss (UK)
Tania Prince (UK)
Emma Roberts (UK)
Ann Ross (UK)
David Rourke (CAN)
Maggie Adkins (AUS)
Peter Graham (AUS)
Barbara Smith (NZ)
Rehana Webster (NZ)
Inci Erkin (TUR)
Sonia Novinsky (BRA)
Maya deVries (GER)

Patricia Carrington, Ph.D
EFT Master Dr. Patricia Carrington is one of the pioneers in the field of Energy Psychology, and an important researcher in this field as well as an EFT therapist and well known book author. She passed away in 2019. She will be sorely missed.
Pat created the widely acclaimed positive variant of EFT known as the EFT Choices Method. Pat’s innovative and insightful articles on EFT and its newer applications were often featured in Gary Craig’s newsletter. Her newsletter, EFT 1-Minute News, was the second largest in the EFT field. with over 20000 enthusiastic subscribers.
She was an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey, and created leading-edge EFT materials.

Nancy Gnecco, MEd, LPC
Nancy Gnecco is an educator and counselor who has worked in public and private settings with children and adults for twenty five years. She has had extensive training in meridian therapies, and has taught EFT for eleven years. As an EFT Master, Nancy maintains a private counseling practice in Portland and Kennebunk, Maine.
Nancy specializes in helping women come into alignment with their soul’s purpose by using EFT to clear the traumas, destructive life patterns, and negative beliefs that have prevented people from living lives of emotional freedom and personal peace. She offers an integrated approach with Emotional Freedom Techniques as the center piece, working to heal emotional and physical issues at their core – the body’s energy system.
Nancy has a Master’s Degree in Education and is licensed as a Professional Counselor in the state of Maine. Her background in education helps make her EFT classes a meaningful experience for the students. Nancy offers EFT workshops for helping professionals and Basic EFT for the general public – anyone who is interested in using these dynamic self-help techniques for personal growth and development.

Mary Stafford
Mary E. Stafford, M.Ed., is an Arizona State Licensed Professional Counselor with 26 years experience. She is a member of the American Counselors Association, Arizona Counselors Association, and the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. Since 1981, Mary has worked as a counselor in various settings including as a crisis counselor for a state agency where she routinely had clients in extreme states of distress.
Late in 1996, Mary learned Thought Field Therapy™ (TFT) and began using it with amazing results. She trained with Dr. Roger Callahan, the developer of TFT, in 1997, so that she could offer the training to other professionals. Since June, 1997, after learning EFT, she has been using and training others in EFT so that hundreds of additional mental health professionals have been trained.
On September 1, 2006, she earned the title, ‘EFT-Master’, and, on December 1, 2006, awarded the designation, Diplomate, Comprehensive Energy Psychology by ACEP. She contributed the chapter on Fears and Phobias to a useful book for all serious students of EFT: Freedom at your Fingertips, written by 20 World Class EFT Experts.
She has had wonderful results using EFT with children. She introduced school counselors to EFT, at the Arizona School Counselors Conferences, and taught the School Counselors in Sunnyside School District, in Tucson, Arizona. Her dream is that every child in elementary school will learn this simple way to release negative emotions and get back to peace.

Andy Bryce
Andy brings a wealth of personal experience and humor to his presentations. With his unique ability to clarify issues and impart practical information in an entertaining way, his listeners feel encouraged and excited about achieving the level of change in their lives that he has experienced in his own.
Clients report seeing immediate and lasting results as well as feeling understood more than ever before because of Andy’s clear instructions and high level of acceptance and compassion. Andy’s warm sense of humor makes any time with him an enjoyable and beneficial experience
Andy comes with many varied experiences. He coached and led Men’s groups for eight years. He worked with teenagers in the care of the Ministry of Children and Families in British Columbia for ten years. He co-founded a nonprofit society to provide training in psychic ability and, in the late 1980s, enjoyed leading transformational fire walks. He has been studying and practicing Metaphysics and Spiritual Principles for over twenty-five years. He has created his own style of energy work which he calls “Breakthrough Bodywork” because it helps to clear the client of emotional armor, removes pockets of emotions such as anger or grief and balances the chakras, among many other benefits. Andy has clients in Canada, the United States and Europe.
Emotional Freedom Techniques for Everyone: Andy sees EFT as a wonderful tool that can be applied to almost any situation and believes the benefits are amplified in a group situation. Andy provides a clear, loving and gentle environment in which to learn this powerful and flexible tool. Participants come away with immediate results that last, as well as a solid understanding of EFT to continue on their own. He helps others to Create and hold changes you create in your life and to take charge of your relationships.
As Andy says: “Your relationships are the mirrors of your inner self, so stop polishing the mirror and start taking the steps that will produce the new level of love and wealth and safety and respect that you want in your life! And have the results you want right now!”

Lindsay Kenny
Lindsay is a Life Coach and EFT Master Practitioner helping people to eliminate barriers, improve their self-esteem, and become more effective in life. She is also the Founder and Director of the National Alliance for Emotional Health, a free resource for those seeking emotional support or searching for an EFT practitioner.
“My mission in life has always been to help other people. I knew when I was 12 years old that that’s what I wanted to do when I grew up. Using EFT as the main tool in my coaching practice gives me a great opportunity to achieve that goal in highly effective way. For me, nothing is more rewarding than to know that someone is a little better off as a result of my helping them with EFT.” Lindsay Kenny
Lindsay offers private sessions, in the San Francisco Bay Area, and by phone, worldwide. She is also an accomplished seminar facilitator, conducting monthly Level 1, 2, and 3 EFT workshops ( She also offers regular EFT Tele-classes and EFT Intensives. She authored “The Ultimate Level 1 Workbook”, as well as the EFT Level 2 Workbook, both comprehensive tools for those wanting to learn EFT experientially. The workbooks are available to the public for $25.00, or for workshop facilitators at a bulk, discount rate at
For more information on Lindsay or EFT, for Teleclass audios and more, please visit the FAQs page and Free Stuff page at Lindsay’s website

Jan Luther
Jan Luther is an EFT Master with the incredible ability to take seemingly complicated and frustrating life challenges and reframe them into simple, specific and even exciting solutions.
Relying heavily on intuition and spiritual guidance, Jan incorporates her sensitivities as a Reiki Master and her deep love of spiritual teachings into her sessions and classes. Using these, she can listen beyond the clients mental/ego confusion and “chatter”, enabling her to zero in on the issue at heart. Students frequently comment in amazement that “her words go right to my heart”.
Jan has been a long time student/facilitator of A Course in Miracles.
A certified TAT practitioner/trainer, Meta-NLP Practitioner and licensed interfaith minister, she has been creating and presenting workshops since 1988. She teaches life skills on a variety of topics including The Law of Attraction, The Physics of Peacemaking, Building Indestructible Self-Worth, Charity and Forgiveness and Communicating without A.D.D. © (that is without: Attacking, Defending or Denying).
Jan has been offering a monthly EFT introductory workshop since 2002 entitled Practical Applications in EFT ©. The workshops have been as varied as they have been numerous and include topics on physical pain, forgiveness, healing relationships, new tools for addressing anger, and a myriad of unusual experiments such as clearing pet peeves, mirror tapping and spring cleaning your emotional closets. Her favorite topic however, will always be how to grow loving relationships.
Jan’s presentations are fast paced, highly interactive and filled with humor and insights. Never preachy, always nurturing and totally loving, her sessions and classes always leave those in attendance feeling refreshed and inspired.
Jan is the founder and CEO of The Rejuvenation Station, LLC, in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is currently offering personal one-on-one sessions both in person and nationwide via phone. She conducts EFT Training Level 1, 2 and 3; topic specific full-day workshops and regular 90-minute teleclasses. In 2007, Jan initiated an EFT Mentor/Coaching program for clients and practitioners.
As one student said: “I have seen EFT, I had done EFT, heck I have taught EFT, but I have never experienced EFT the way I did with Jan. It was a truly spiritual experience. I feel giddy.” – Linda S.

Tania Prince, BSc
Tania is highly passionate about EFT. The most common terms used to describe Tania’s work is; “inspiring” and “humorous”.
Tania is a highly experienced therapist with over thirteen years of client contact. She works from two busy therapy practices within Cheshire in England, as well as working with clients throughout the UK and abroad via the phone. Tania has extensive experience of working on all types of issues including addictions, abuse and serious illnesses. She is a specialist in the treatment of confidence issues, shyness, and social phobias, fear of public speaking, blushing and panic attacks.
Tania’s work has been featured on prime time TV shows both in the UK and Europe. She has also given interviews on many radio shows about her work in EFT.
Although Tania predominantly uses EFT in her practice, she is also an internationally recognized NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, a TAT Trainer and a Hypnotherapy Therapist and Trainer. She has a great interest in linguistics and how language can help create powerful change especially when combined with EFT.
Tania runs Approved EFT Level 1, 2 and 3 Courses, EFT Supervision Days, EFT Trainer Trainings, as well as Confident Public Speaking and EFT Marketing: Building and Maintaining a Successful Practice. Most of her courses are based in central Manchester.
She has a background in show business which ranges from acting to rock singing. Tania uses these experiences to make learning a fun experience and to help people transform their lives in a fun and healthy way.
The following are reviews from some of Tania’s training courses:
“…I never laughed so much during a training course…”
“…Tania uses humour all the way through… (her)… Showbiz timing obviously coming through!…”

Carol Look, LCSW, DCH
Carol Look’s passion and specialty is inspiring clients to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build their “prosperity consciousness.” Before becoming an EFT Master, Carol was trained as a Clinical Social Worker and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
While Carol is no longer accepting new clients, she offers a variety of teleclasses, “live” workshops, and Abundance Packages that teach clients how to combine EFT with the Law of Attraction to expand comfort zones and allow abundance and prosperity to flow into their personal and professional lives.
Carol’s paperbacks, Attracting Abundance with EFT and Improve Your Eyesight with EFT, and also available as e-books with companion audio recordings. She is the senior author of the computerized EFT program, The Key to Weight Loss. Carol hosted the popular internet radio show Attracting Abundance: The Energy of Success on internet radio. Free access to archives of the weekly shows may be heard by visiting
Carol is an internationally recognized seminar leader and offers EFT workshops around the world on the topics of Attracting Abundance, Anxiety Relief, and Weight Loss. For more on Carol’s workshop schedule and EFT programs, visit her website

Sue Beer
Sue Beer lives, breathes and dreams. She has a busy private practice in London, UK and is co-founder of The EFT Centre with Emma Roberts offering Level 1, 2 and 3 trainings, specialist trainings in trauma and sexual abuse, cancer, fertility, weight – as well as the personal transformation workshops, ‘Healing the Addicted Heart: 5 Stages of Transformation’, and ‘Opening to Love’.
Sue and Emma hosted and presented at the first truly international EFT Masterclass in London. The event was a huge success and inspiration to many people from all over the world. This intrepid pair also sponsors joint events in London with Carol Look, Steve Wells and David Lake.
Sue is a specialist in working with addictions and personal transformation. She has a deep understanding of addictive processes and how to become free of them. Her joy is in helping people reclaim their power and their ability to really love – life, themselves and one another! These are the themes of her work with ‘Healing the Addicted Heart’ and ‘Opening to Love’.
“There are many of us now doing fascinating and important work with EFT and opportunities like this to meet and share, learn and laugh together are vital. I am so looking forward to meeting old and new friends.”

Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts is based in London, UK and is a full time EFT practitioner and trainer. She is co-founder of The EFT Centre in London with Sue Beer, offering a wide range of EFT trainings from Level 1 – 3 and specialist trainings in the fields of Sexual Abuse and Trauma, Addictions ( Healing the Addicted Heart, The Five Stages of Transformation), Cancer (Living with Cancer), Opening to Love, Fertility and Weight Loss. Emma was the co-organiser of the very successful first EFT Masterclass in London gathering a variety of international EFT Masters together to showcase their new work with EFT. She and Sue also host events with popular presenters Carol Look’, Steve Wells and Dr David Lake.
Emma along with Sue Beer runs regular evening group EFT sessions in Central London using Borrowing Benefits as a means of allowing a greater population to really experience EFT working for them, and getting it out there! Emma believes that EFT is a practical tool to be shared with everyone. This belief of sharing EFT is at the core of all her work.
Emma has a full time EFT practise in South West London. She runs a clinic at Westover House Medical Practise specialising in treating fertility issues with EFT as part of a fully integrated team of medical and complementary health practitioners. She also works at Breast Cancer Haven, a charity involved in the support and healing of anyone suffering from breast cancer, offering group workshops and individual sessions.
When she originally began working in the fields of both fertility and cancer Emma believed that EFT would be primarily useful in managing the stress responses to the different diagnoses. Now experience would dictate that the possibilities of working with EFT are more far reaching than she ever imagined. She is passionate about her work, and so excited, as she gets to witness miracles on a near daily basis. We really don’t know what is possible!
Emma also specialises in the highly sensitive area of sexual abuse and trauma. She believes that EFT is the missing link in fully resolving these past issues and allowing us to move forward in our lives in a whole new way. It is a very gentle and safe way of working, and the work itself is both beautiful and transformational for both client and therapist. It is a joy to witness.

Karl Dawson
In the world of EFT, it is clear that those of us who teach this technique have come to do so because of the profound effect it has had in our own lives. I am no exception to this, as my own experience prior to EFT was full of physical and emotional disease, as with so many people today. Through the gift of those who shared with me these techniques, I gradually found the health, confidence and abundance that is now my life’s experience. EFT has changed my relationships with everyone and everything around me.
EFT has renewed my sense of joy, mystery and purpose in life.
As one who now teaches this unique and powerful tool, I have come to realize that service to others is a fundamental human act. From assisting healing in the lives of friends and family, to the many people that I’ve worked with as a therapist, to the hundreds of people who have attended my courses, I am reminded daily that my service in teaching EFT spreads further outward through those I teach.
This knowledge and the confirmation I have from witnessing how the principals of EFT, time and time again, produce astounding results, make me feel truly blessed that I am part of an amazing process.
Now as an established EFT practitioner and trainer, I am in the fortunate position to be amongst the few EFT Masters worldwide, who have collectively taken on the role of being ambassadors of this incredible self help and therapeutic tool.
Through monthly practitioner courses in the UK and internationally, my passion is to share EFT. Not only to existing practitioners and therapists, such as NHS professionals, Hypnotherapists, NLP’ers, Councillors, Psychologists, Cognitive behavioural therapists and many other conventional, alternative and complementary therapists, but to all who want to help themselves and those close to them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.
In addition to offering EFT practitioner levels 1, 2 and 3, I also teach a unique EFT speciality which focuses on serious physical and emotional issues, with the aim to help individuals not only learn why they have become ill, but to give them the tools to take back responsibility for our own health and healing.
If you feel you need more information on this compelling, self-help technique and wish to discuss how EFT can help you, please contact me or attend a course to see first hand these simple but highly effective techniques.

Sophia Cayer
Sophia is known for her dedication, intuition, enthusiasm and sense of humor. Her unique ability for gently reaching and unraveling core issues continues to surprise and benefit those who work with her. She has been assisting clients with achieving goals for more than 15 years, and has been an EFT Coach/Teacher for more than 7 years.
Hank Hadley, predominately featured in Gary Craig’s “EFT Intro Video”, released early in 2007, worked with Sophia in overcoming his challenges. You may know him as “Harry”, the name Sophia used to identify Hank when she shared his story in the EFT Newsletter. Hank returned to work after more than 20 years on disability. He overcame numerous obstacles including Multiple Sclerosis. At this writing he is approaching the three year anniversary of being free of wheel chair and crutches, and no traces of Multiple Sclerosis can be found. You can read about his remarkable healing journey on Sophia’s website.
While Sophia enjoys offering Intensives and teaching Approved Level 1, 2 & 3 workshops, she also specializes in training professionals and has many psychologist, counselors and teachers as clients and students. She also offers “custom designed” workshops to fit your group’s needs. If you would like to have her present a seminar or intensive in your area email or call. She also enjoys traveling!
In addition to teaching and working with clients, she will often be found involved with some community effort utilizing EFT. Dr. David Feinstein featured her work with Katrina evacuees in an article on his website, “Energy Psychology in Disaster Relief”.
Check out Sophia’s book EFT Set-Up Language – Creating it and going with the flow – Book 1. It is loaded with tips, examples and ideas to spark your creativity and enhance your abilities to achieve more profound results in working through your own issues, and working with others.
“Sophia Cayer is that rare individual who can integrate the heart’s wisdom with depth of knowledge and experience. She does this in an engaging manner that held the attention of her students for two days who were left wanting more. What a privilege it is when one encounters a Master practitioner who deserves the title.” – Douglas Canterbury-Counts, Ph.D. Sacred Psychology/Neuropsychology.

David Rourke
David Rourke is an EFT Master and Certified Trauma Specialist based in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. He has been working in the field of addictions and trauma for over 20 years.
Since 1997, David Rourke attended many workshops and conferences to expand his knowledge of EFT techniques, including working directly with EFT founder, Gary Craig. Due to his confidence in and enthusiasm for this technique, he has pursued and obtained the pinnacle certification of EFT Master.
He continues to present EFT at the Institute on Addiction Studies on an annual basis and has led innumerable EFT Level 1 and Level 2 training workshops to a wide variety of audiences. He is currently including Level 3 in his repertoire. He also leads Continuing Education-approved workshops for professional counselors and therapists and has presented numerous public workshops and seminars on EFT. He believes this amazing technique needs to be shared with others.
David is well-known for his love of music; his singing and guitar playing is legendary at many of his workshops and speaking engagements. The consistent feedback received from those who experience his workshops and one-on-one EFT sessions is that his sense of humour and compassion deeply impacts them. He sees both as essential tools to get through life and help others.
David’s international practice includes one-on-one counseling sessions both in person and via phone as well as his training programs, workshops and speaking engagements.

Rue Hass
As an EFT Master Rue has extensive experience with fibromyalgia, chronic physical and emotional pain, abuse, trauma, and working with the issues that arise in a highly sensitive person. She believes that anyone with a chronic condition probably has a sensitive temperament. She is also very interested in using EFT to transform the “emotional inheritance” that is passed through generations in a family, showing up in our limiting beliefs, behaviors and symptoms.
Rue has been in private practice as an Intuitive Mentor/life path coach since 1986 using what she describes as “profoundly light-hearted strategies for unsticking stuck stuff.” She now lives in Colorado.
A former university teacher, over the years she has sought out broad and deep training in psycho-spiritual philosophy and therapies. From 1974-1981, she was a staff member of the Findhorn Foundation, an international center for spiritual and holistic education in Scotland.
Rue says: “I have always felt deeply challenged to learn about my own spiritual truth, independent of what other people said were the prerequisites for spiritual progress. I experience the empowerment of spirituality as support for our ordinary lives in the world, finding the sacred in the personal, not just the transpersonal. In my work with EFT, this translates into exploring and transforming the source of the ‘not enough and don’t deserve’ self-judgments in human consciousness, and into trusting our bodies and emotions as our intuitive guidance. I think of myself as a Wise Woman in (perpetual) Training, seasoned with a grounded thoughtfulness and a quirky sense of humor.”
Rue uses EFT to partner co-creatively with people in a way that invites healing from the deepest levels of identity. She looks forward to connecting with you!
Author of EFT books:
This is Where I Stand: The Power and Gift of Being Sensitive
The Eight Master Keys for Healing What Hurts
The Discovery Book: EFT and the 8 Master Keys

Gwyneth Moss
Gwyneth Moss lives and teaches EFT in the lovely countryside of Yorkshire in the North of England. Her skill is as a communicator and her joy is in seeing others build competence and confidence in using EFT. Whether through one-to-one therapy, training workshops or leading EFT groups she loves to share her EFT skills with story and metaphor. Her practical manner is one that others can easily absorb and make their own. Gwyneth’s have gone on to take EFT into prisons, schools and hospitals and some to develop their own practice and style with EFT.
An EFT Founding Master since January 2006, Gwyneth loves the opportunity to spread the word of EFT far and wide. She enjoys coming to America having lived for three years in New Jersey. She came again to the states and contributed to the Master’s panels at Gary Craig’s EFT Bootcamp in Denver. She came again to participate as one of the Master therapists at the Atlanta EFT Retreat. She was excited to return to Denver for the Master Showcase. Gwyneth says: “I Americanise really easily, as soon as I cross the Atlantic my vocabulary adapts and I love the boundless enthusiasm and energy of the EFT folks I meet in the US.”
Gwyneth has a Cambridge physics degree and an MBA. She seeks to use her scientific background and communication skills to translate the science of our brains and the universe into plain English. She does this in a way that we can all relate to and apply in our lives and our work. In October 2006 she presented the highly praised “Tapping, Trauma and the Brain” presentation at the International EFT Masterclass in London. She then set herself the objective of communicating understandings from neuroscience, the effect of trauma on the brain and how that informs our work with EFT without using one single long Latin word. Ask her about the “Inner Dog” and she will help you to understand your brain structure and how better to relate to yourself.
Gwyneth will show us how she uses ‘Imagineering’ in her EFT work. Imagineering is a technique that combines EFT with our right brain’s love of metaphor and imagery to work with physical symptoms. This technique enables us to approach the emotional roots in an indirect and non-threatening manner.

Paul Lynch
Based at Eastbourne in the United Kingdom, Paul Lynch and his wife Val are probably best known for their success in collapsing phobias. They have been invited to demonstrate their skills live on UK television, and have been featured in The Times and Daily Mail. Their excellent book Emotional Healing in Minutes remains one of the most popular self-help guides to EFT available today.
Paul finds his background in holistic counselling and NLP helps him bring a new dimension to his EFT work. He’s been able to study at close quarters the palpable benefits of EFT for all kinds of people suffering from a range of emotional problems – everything from phobias to women’s issues (in which Val has a special interest).
Paul also has a particular interest in the long-term application of EFT for complex emotional problems. As he says: “It’s a bit like unpicking a Persian rug, thread by thread. It takes time, persistence and above all, patience. But for the determined, committed EFT practitioner, there’s a lot to learn and a lot to gain in terms of understanding just how powerful EFT can be.”
Now, as a result of the interest stimulated by his presentation The Colour of Pain at the EFT Masters’ Conference in London in 2006, Paul is delighted to be invited to Denver to demonstrate, with the aid of volunteers, how we can use this simple technique to identify and neutralise the root causes of physical pain.

Ann Ross
Ann Ross trained practitioners in the UK and South Africa and Namibia for over 3 years. Ann works with a wide variety of people; her particular area of expertise is personal transformation. Ann considers it a great joy to teach. Her students state her programs are: inspirational, fun and practical! Ann runs regular supervision sessions and mini master classes on various aspects of EFT for a deeper experience for students. She also works with corporate clients which included The Met Office.
Ann says: “I am really excited to be part of this International community coming together to teach and share skills and expertise with you! I am passionate about helping people transform their lives with EFT just as I have! If I can do it anyone can! I feel so privileged to share this powerful healing tool with the world. I’m really looking forward to meeting with you!”
Ann and Jaqui Crooks co-founded EFT Retreats for Personal Transformation. These retreats have helped attendees create leading edge personal development work. Testimonials from Ann’s students often use the word inspirational in describing Ann:
- Ann is a truly inspirational person who cares deeply about the people she works with and this extends into her training. Thank you for perhaps the most superb course that I have been on in the last ten years!
- Ann Ross is the most inspirational trainer I have ever come across in a lifetime of courses and training! Wow!
- Extraordinary. Enlightening. Energising. Inspirational. Insightful!
Ann is the Founder of EFT Coaching International which trains EFT practitioners how to be coaches. Ann holds classes both in South Africa and the UK. These courses are fun filled classes packed with techniques which beautifully compliment each other to help your clients achieve more than they ever dreamed was possible. Helping you reach your full potential is important to the EFT Coaching International and using the Law of Attraction is an important key to success!

Jaqui Crooks
Jaqui’s passion is helping people to transform their lives. She loves helping people to remember how powerful they are and that they can use that power to attract more love, prosperity and joy into their life than they ever thought was possible.
By finding and clearing the old, self-sabotaging patterns, creating new resourceful ways of being and feeling are possible. Jaqui runs popular courses on Finding the Power Within. She loves teaching EFT, leading others to an in depth understanding of the EFT tools. Her EFT Level 1, 2 and Level 3 classes are fast paced, entertaining and highly effective in assuring all attendees have a positive and meaningful experience in addition to thoroughly understanding the material. In her Level 3 classes trainees explore using their intuition with NLP and hypnosis techniques to make EFT even more fast and effective. Trainees have a lot of fun while they learn and the bonus is the “emotional clutter” that they clear while they learn.
Together with Ann Ross, EFT Master, Jaqui runs EFT retreats for Personal Transformation, in beautiful places in the UK and abroad, where you can spend a wonderful few days with like minded people and skilled facilitators focusing on you and your needs, clearing that life time of rubbish you’ve accumulated and focusing on who you really are and what you want to do in your life. These retreats are life changing!
As one attendee stated: “Ann and Jaqui work so beautifully together with seamless joy and love with tireless time and energy for each and everyone of us. Their skill and warmth encouraged us to go to Hidden depths while keeping us safe. And, all this with a group most of whom had never met before and came from diverse ages and backgrounds. Hurrah!”
Jaqui’s background as a teacher and hypnotherapist means that she loves sharing her knowledge in a lighthearted way that makes learning easy and fun. She was a popular presenter at the Energy Psychology conference in Brighton in 2003 and the EFT Masterclass in London in 2006.

Loretta Sparks, LPC
Loretta is the Founder and Director of the Center for Energy Psychotherapy and TAAP Training Institute based in Southern California. As licensed psychotherapist for over 30 years, she integrated EFT into her practice over 10 years ago. As an author, Loretta has contributed chapters on using EFT with pain and addiction to several books. As an educator and trainer, she has trained mental health professionals and as well as the public, nationally and internationally in Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Loretta worked for over 27 years in the Addiction Medicine Department of a large HMO. This experience led to developing her interest in the application of EFT to addiction and its root causes. She is a Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS), an Advanced Certified Relapse Prevention Specialist (Cenaps), a President-Elect of the American Academy of Psychotherapists and a charter member and Diplomate of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.
Loretta maintains a busy private practice in Hermosa Beach, California. She also holds EFT workshops and provides consultation and training to other professionals. She particularly enjoys holding women’s EFT-based retreats.

Maggie Adkins
Maggie’s passion is to help people reclaim their lives as authentic, abundant, Infinite Beings. She returned “home” to Australia in June, 2006, after living and teaching EFT in the U.S. for 4 years. During her stay in the US she attended all of Gary Craig’s EFT and Serious Disease conferences. She feels that EFT practitioners owe it to their clients and workshop participants to continue taking the work deeper and deeper for themselves. She says, “We can only work with our clients in their fear and trauma to the extent we have explored our own fears and traumas.”
Maggie taught Level 1, 2 & 3 EFT trainings throughout the United States & Australia. She recently retired from teaching responsibilities and turned the baton over to her students. She always kept her trainings small and personal so that participants can get all their questions answered and receive the individual attention they deserve to truly learn EFT. Workshop participants and clients often comment on Maggie’s ability to get quickly and gently to the core issue, as well as her compassion, sense of humour and high degree of intuitiveness.
She developed a workshop called “Your Wish Is My Command” based on GCs Palace of Possibilities and concepts from the movie, The Secret. Maggie says, “The Secret is a great movie for giving us concepts on how to move into new realities. It is EFT, though, that clears the path to those realities.”
Maggie presented, “Inner Dialogues with EFT” at the EFT Masters Showcase in Sydney. Inner Dialogues works to bring our relationship with our various parts and our bodies into balance.

Barbara Smith
Barbara Smith passed away in 2018, after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. Barbara was very instrumental in expanding the knowledge of EFT throughout New Zealand. Her students are carrying on her work. Prior to retirement she had a thriving psychotherapy practise in New Zealand, dividing her time between personal consultations, long term and emergency trauma relief, and approved content EFT trainings at all levels. She worked to have EFT thrive in New Zealand. She was dedicated to providing custom designed in-house EFT trainings and professional supervision for health providers, as well as coaching for sport, business, and personal performance.
She was passionate in her drive to make EFT accessible and effective, in a way that will honour the unique NZ culture and meet legislative requirements for good health practise in New Zealand. She furthered this process in her counselling and trauma relief work for the Accident Compensation Commission, NZ Victim Support,and other Government welfare agencies.
Barbara was experienced in trauma recovery as a Specialist Trauma counselor. She was trained first in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, then in Hakomi somatic trauma resolution, and a range of body-mind techniques. She kept informed about current brain research. “When we update old theories with our ever expanding understanding of brain function, then add EFT to the mix,” she said, “We can free people from their trauma more quickly and safely than ever before.”
Another area of expertise she enjoyed was working with children and families. Her goal is to ensure that children have such a good experience of EFT that they will be spontaneously using EFT for years to come, when they sit down to study, pick up the fractious baby, begin a golf game, take pain medication, or are tempted to raise a hand in anger.
Barbara was “delighted to be participating in the first Masters Showcase in the Southern hemisphere (Sydney). In her presentation she shared how (her then) seven years of EFT transformed her psychotherapy and counseling practice. “There is always more to learn,” Barbara said in her marketing information about the Showcase. “When dedicated and skilled EFT people work together there is dramatic personal growth, change, and transformations that regularly take place .”
Barbara was right then and is right now. She always encouraged people to keep learning. When I (Ann Adams) came to New Zealand to teach EFT she also sponsored a training event for her students. New Zealand – and I – miss her.

Rehana Webster, BSc
Rehana Webster emigrated from Canada to Australia. With over 25 years of experience in the “healing services” her qualifications include the EFT Master certification from Gary Craig, Masters accreditation in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a BSc in Biological Anthropology and has studied numerous other modalities in the emerging field of mind-body, energy medicine and psychology. She maintains membership to ACEP, AINLP and IASH,
Rehana runs a successful Clinic and specializes in helping people suffering with PTSDs, GADs, depression and panic attacks. She has combined her knowledge of NLP, Biology and Anthropology to get outstanding results for her clients. Rehana uses her understanding of how the mind-body interacts and how beliefs are intertwined with one’s environment and culture to bring her clients to new levels of freedom from negative emotions. She has developed an innovative program, as part of her train-the-trainer series, combining EFT / NLP to make the application of EFT both skillful and outstanding.
She has worked with women in Afghanistan to reduce or relieve reaction to trauma. Her international practice includes EFT and NLP Workshops, private counseling sessions in person and by phone as well as trainings, presentations and speaking engagements. Her workshops are fun, relaxed and experiential. Her goal is to help produce practitioners who will apply EFT artfully, confidently and successfully.
Rehana says: “Thank you Gary for making this wonderful technique available to everyone. I believe EFT is one of the BEST and easiest tools to use for ‘state management.”

Dr Tamlyn Llewellyn-Edwards, PhD., FRSA
Tam Llewellyn-Edwards background is Homeopathy. and Meridian Therapist, but now treats almost exclusively using Energy Therapy and EFT in particular. He works with his wife Mair, at Tickhill Clinic, a Complementary Health Clinic in South Yorkshire UK. He particularly enjoys tutoring EFT at all Levels.
Tam holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and is a Member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths, & the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques. He holds the chair of Professor of Homeopathy & Energy Therapy at Calamus International University and is an assessor for the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths.
His work as a practitioner is now largely confined to treating serious diseases and more difficult cases using the latest techniques of EFT. He works with clients from across the world both by telephone and by personal visits.
Tam is actively involved in spreading word about EFT and regularly gives presentations across the world to a wide range of audiences ranging from lay-people to practitioners of conventional medicine. He was instrumental in establishing the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques now known as and was instrumental in setting up sister organisations in Ireland, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and South Africa.
Tam says: “An important goal in my life is to make EFT widely available across the globe. I want to do what I can to make it accessible both as a therapy and a skill in such away to ensure EFT is available to all.”

Mair Llewellyn
Mair Llewellyn is a psychotherapist and meridian therapist at the Tickhill Clinic, a complementary therapy centre in the heart of a South Yorkshire village in the UK. She holds an honours degree in psychology and post graduate training in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Mair has over 30 years experience as a therapist in private practice working with adults and in child care programmes.
Mair is a member of the British Psychological Society, the National Council of Psychotherapy, the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the General Hypnotherapy Register and the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques. She is an eclectic psychotherapist using a comprehensive approach to healing. This involves integrating the traditional with newer, complementary models of energy psychotherapy. She is also a Fellow of the Hypnotherapy Research Society (UK) and of the Royal Society of Arts (UK).
Mair utilises specialized techniques in the treatment of PTSD, depression, anxiety and phobias. Her work with addictions involves eating disorders as well as drug and alcohol abuse. She is as comfortable working within the corporate world as the sports arena. She is as skillful and compassionate in instilling confidence and calm with a young mother through the joy and wonder of childbirth as she is in supporting a family who grieve as well as celebrate peace at the end of a loved ones earthly life. She says: “I am truly honoured to be invited into so many aspects of my client’s lives”.
Mair is an accredited trainer with the National Council of Psychotherapy, The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Therapy Techniques and The National Council of Hypnotherapy. In the last seven years Mair has trained therapists and trainers for EFT in the UK and several European countries.
Mair can be contacted by e-mail at

Judy Byrne, BA (hons) psychology
Judy Byrne is passionate about spreading the EFT word to people to help them to change their lives. One of her particular interests is how we can use EFT for inner peace in the now. Her work with clients often revolves around either helping people who have learned EFT and feel stuck in the work they are doing on their own to move on. She also sees clients who want to clear out all the old negative stuff and start to live the way they really want. Judy has considerable experience of working with major early traumas such as sexual, physical and emotional abuse. She has a particular interest in how early traumas, even those that seem minor through adult eyes, can have so profound an influence on what we believe about and how we experience ourselves and our lives.
Her current work includes private therapy face-to-face and by phone, group therapy for disordered eating, themed workshops and EFT. Judy takes her classes on the road with EFT retreats by the sea and approved trainings in tropical Queensland, Australia.
She lived many years in London, offering Level 1, 2 and 3 trainings and specialty workshops on topics such as using EFT with the law of attraction, for optimum wellness, for weight and eating problems, self-esteem, pain and serious illness. She moved to Australia to help care for her mother.
She is always delighted to be invited to travel to present trainings or workshops or to groups anywhere in the world. You can find her current programme, read her blog, and see feedback from past participants on
Judy brings a psychology degree and more than 15 years experience in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and EMDR to her EFT practice. She is keen to help EFT practitioners who want to deepen and widen the range of their EFT by adding other relevant skills. She organizes trainings offering NLP for EFTers in Australia and basic and advanced counseling skills for EFTers in London.

Peter Graham
Peter Graham is passionate about EFT and has been using it in his full time practice in Perth, Western Australia since November 2000. Peter has over thirty years of experience as a counselor. He does private EFT sessions (in person or by phone) and runs Levels 1 to 3 EFT workshops.
Peter works with all emotional issues, including personal problems, stress, relationship issues, unresolved traumas and abuse, phobias and anxiety, anger issues, self-esteem, self-sabotage, performance issues, etc. He uses innovative and creative approaches to open the doors to resolving problems, especially those that are resistant or complex.
He also conducts relationship coaching with individuals and couples. His popular comprehensive relationships skills workshops teach couples the practical skills that are needed to resolve relationship issues such as personal problems, upsets, disagreements, misunderstandings, grievances, etc. He recommends, for increased benefit, that those who are carrying intense or long term emotional pain from earlier relationships or are carrying ‘wounds’ from childhood have private EFT sessions and/or attend EFT workshops.
Peter’s purpose is to facilitate personal and spiritual growth by empowering his clients to be able to resolve their own emotional issues. This includes encouraging them to accept full ownership of their own feelings and emotions (regardless of their origins) and teaching them EFT and how to use it effectively – and to keep on using it. Peter’s approaches include teaching and coaching his clients to be “the observer” of their own negative feelings and thoughts as they arise. Peter recommends Eckhart Tolle’s excellent book: The Power of Now which outline some of these techniques. Becoming an observer of our self is an important skill when we wish to overcome persistent problems.
“EFT is the most flexible and effective technique I have ever used as a practitioner. You can use it on just about anything and it works so consistently. After using EFT for six years full time, I have still not found its limitations or boundaries (unlike every other technique I have ever used). The limitations appear to be only the skill and experience of the person using it. It has also been the most useful and transformational tool I have ever used with my own issues. Thank you, Gary!”

Dr. Inci Erkin
Dr. Erkin lives and practices in Izmir, which is a lovely city near the Aegean Sea in Turkey. She has been a Medical Doctor and a Biochemist for over 30 years and uses EFT extensively in her daily professional and volunteer work.
Many years ago she noted the the paradox: “With many new developments in the medical field with many new drugs and High-Tech medical equipment everyday we still have more unhappy, sick and dissatisfied people. I asked myself, what is going on ? My answer came shortly; we had – within the medical community – forgotten that we are not just a body made up of organ systems, but we do also have a mind and a spirit. EFT is my favorite tool; it is with me everywhere.”
Dr. Erkin is founding member of Clinical Hypnotherapy Society and Enery Medicine Society in Izmir, Turkey. She has a special love for children and does extensive volunteer work for cancer patient children and handicapped children. Dr. Erkin has received several awards for her volunteer work. Her work has been written about in several publications in Turkey.
Dr. Erkin is a public lecturer and writer dedicated to spreading the word about EFT as she sees it as an efficient and important tool not only for her native country of Turkey but for the world. She trains other professionals in Turkey in the use of EFT. Inci Erkin says that she is in love with EFT, because in all the work she is doing, she consistently witnesses the wonders of EFT: “With EFT , I’m like Alice in the Wonderland, where everything is possibleand beyond limits.”
If you have Turkish Clients, Dr. Erkin has offered to assist you with any communication problems.

Sonia Novinsky

Maya deVries
Maya was born in the Netherlands in 1959. After obtaining her M.A. in German Language and Literature from the University of Utrecht she moved to Canada for two years. Since 1985 she has been living in Germany, in the Greater Cologne area.
She discovered EFT in the spring of 2000 and was immediately fascinated with the method’s change potential. Since then Maya has felt a deep commitment to “spread the word” in the German speaking countries. Her first love is training. As of now, she has trained over 600 individuals in EFT, making her one of the most experienced teachers of EFT in Germany.
In the spring of 2004, she was asked by Gary Craig to assemble a team of experienced German EFT trainers. Together with four American colleagues they were invited to his house in California to lay the foundation of the worldwide standardization of EFT training. Jointly they established the content of what was later called the EFT Training Levels. While Gary no longer endorses any training program his training guidelines still guide EFT certification programs.
In September 2006, after one year of extensive theoretical and practical examination, Maya received the title of “EFT Master”. She was bestowed with an honorary membership in the D.A.CH. Verband für Klopfakupressur e. V.
Maya offers:
- free 2 hour presentations
- workshops
- monthly Borrowing Benefits evenings
- supervision
- one-on-one sessions